Carol “Mama Bear” Jhodd is a formidable character in the science fiction world, known for her leadership and combat skills. She serves as a Sergeant in the Jhoddain Confederacy and leads a group of power armoured soldiers known as the Zoo Troops. These troops are a mix of humans and aliens who are fiercely loyal to their nation and stand ready to fight for it at any cost.
Mama Bear is an older woman who should have retired years ago, but her skill and reputation make her an invaluable asset to the Jhoddain Confederacy. She is famous for her distinctive purple mohawk and felinus tattoos that adorn her arms and neck. Her extensive knowledge of felinus culture, which she gained through her past relationships, has earned her the respect of the felinus people, who see her as one of their own.
As an advisor to the fifth crew, Mama Bear’s mission is to help fight the oppressive religion known as the Church of the Illumination, which has a sizeable military. Her skills in power armour combat are crucial to the success of the mission, and she uses her fearsome reputation to strike fear into the hearts of her enemies. Her power armour, called a Grixx, is a formidable weapon that she uses to even the odds against the Church’s military might.
Mama Bear’s power armour is a marvel of technology and engineering. It is heavily armoured, allowing her to withstand even the most intense of battles, and is equipped with a range of weapons and sensors that give her a tactical advantage on the battlefield. The Grixx has seen years of use, and while it has been repaired many times, the cosmetic aspect repairs are left untouched to act as a warning to anyone who dares to face her in combat.
Mama Bear’s leadership and combat skills have earned her the respect of her troops and the admiration of her allies. She is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, and her tactics and strategies have turned the tide of many battles. Her experience and expertise have made her an invaluable asset to the Jhoddain Confederacy, and her presence on the fifth crew is a testament to her dedication to the cause.
Despite her gruff exterior and fearsome reputation, Mama Bear is fiercely loyal to her troops and deeply cares about their well-being. She sees herself as a mother figure to them, hence her nickname, and will go to great lengths to protect them from harm. Mama Bear’s unwavering commitment to her troops and her cause has made her a legend in the Jhoddain Confederacy and beyond.